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From The Heart

Today I feel heavy yet whole

Accepting the feelings swimming about

Letting go of old reels of self

New moon making room for the new

Seeds growing into flowers, planted in the early hours of self-exploration and healing through co-creation

For a while I’ve noticed the anxiety, the static

Like that fan that won’t quit it’s racket

And I’ve accepted it, taken note and allowed it to exist

Because denying the self never did any good, did it?

This acceptance, however, need not be confused

For tacit compliance with old fearful views

I can see the thoughts, and say okay, that too

But I can also change the thoughts which will change my feelings too

I don’t have to be this thought — I have the power to choose

So I choose something else and I shop for a while, seeking out thoughts that’ll help me feel good and smile

Getting too specific, dissecting the logistics

Really, getting general is the best way to do it

This will be fine, this will work out, I am confident that there’s nothing to worry about

Now write that down backwards and say it 10 x faster

It won’t be long before you manifest that happily ever after

All you desire already exists, and it’s waiting here for you

Whether you allow it or not, depends on what you think and do

You are what you feel and what you feel is what you think

You are the master of your reality

And though sometimes you may feel trapped by life’s duality

The power truly lives in you

And shows itself in all you do

Helps you break free and live your truth

While attracting your highest good, to boot

Today I feel heavy yet whole

Accepting the feelings swimming about

Letting go of old reels of self

New moon making room for the new

Getting cozy and grounded next to my boo

What happens next? How will I feel tomorrow?

That, I get to choose

©2018 Juliet Altmann

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